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 Our Programming 

  VP&C Brass Boot Camp Series  

Welcome to the VP&C Brass Boot Camp Series. The Boot Camp is an intensive 2 days of instruction geared towards mastering the fundamentals of producing good tone and flexibility for Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Brass Players that play trumpet, french horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba.  Students will be guided through:


  • Fundamentals of Buzzing

  • Fundamentals of Tone Production

  • Embouchure Development

  • Range Development

  • Rehearsal Fundamentals & Techniques

  • Equipment Selection

  • Small Ensemble Playing


VP&C offers several dates for students to choose. Registration includes Workshop Materials and Snack, Seating is limited. 





Students can register at:


  VP&C Summer Student Leadership Retreat  

The VP&C Summer Student Leadership Retreat was developed by Virtuoso Production & Consulting, Inc. as a way to bridge the gap of equipping our young student leaders with the tools to be successful student leaders (Section Leaders, Captains, Co-Captains, Executive Officers, Ranking Sergeants, etc.). The VP&C Summer Student Leadership Retreat is geared towards students that will be entering the 8-11 for the upcoming School Year that have be appointed or elected to a Student Leadership role in their Band Program. Through this intense 5 Day program students will participate in masterclasses and workshops that will provide students with the tools and knowledge to be effective role models in their programs as well as their community. Some of the topics that will be covered during the retreat are: PLEASE NOTE: BAND DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION WILL BE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS OPPORTUNITY.


Tuition Cost is $300.00


The VP&C Summer Student Leadership Retreat offers several payment options to aid in making this opportunity affordable for any household. Please Note: Due to  limited capacity a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $75.00 will need to be paid to secure a spot. With this goal in mind we offer 3 payment options: (Deposit must be paid before any payment option can be explored)


  • Option 1: Full Tuition $300.00

  • Option 2: 2 Payments $150.00


These amounts are based on having paid your Non-Refundable $75.00 deposit to secure spot. PLEASE NOTE: ALL BALANCES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE THE START OF THE EVENT.


  •  Effective Interpersonal Communication

  • Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Team Building Strategies

  • Knowing your role

  • Leadership Do’s and Don’ts

  • Leadership Organization & Structure Models

  • Audition Etiquette: Maximizing Scholarship Potential

  • Fundamentals of Marching Techniques 


Music Enrichment:

The VP&C Summer Student Leadership Retreat has been designed to be a well-rounded experience for all involved. As leaders you are expected to be the examples for your subordinates. Students will participate in a Lab Band, that will serve as the demonstration group they will use to execute the skills and concepts they have been taught. Student will receive training in the following:


  • Fundamentals of Conducting

  • Fundamentals of Score Study

  • Foundations of Creating Band Sound

  • Podium Etiquette

  • Rehearsal Operation

  • Rehearsal Techniques & Procedures

  • Rehearsal Etiquette for Student Leaders

  • Rehearsal Etiquette for Band Members

  • Fundamentals of Conducting

  • Application of Music Theory

  • Fundamentals of Sight-Reading

  • Understanding the Fundamentals of Intonation & Band Sound


The VP&C Student Leadership Retreat will conclude with a performance by the VP&C Lab Band at 4pm on Sunday  and Awards Ceremony to follow.



  • Working Instrument and Mouthpiece

  • Pencil

  • Binder (1in-2in)

  • Notebook Paper

  • Manuscript Paper

  • Working email address

  • Charged Cell Phone or Tablet


Students can register at:


  VP&C Summer Music Institute  

Mission of the VP&C Summer Music Institute

The VP&C Summer Music Institute’s goal is to expose our youths in our underserved communities to the various opportunities participation in the musical arts can provide as well as an opportunity for us to touch the life of a child by allowing them to see the larger world through camps, workshops/masterclasses, performances, and field trips. We strive for our youths that participate in our many initiatives to help their communities reach a higher consciousness for the impact that they can make on their community and world.


About the VP&C Summer Music Institute

The VP&C Summer Music Institute was developed in partnership with Virtuoso Production & Consulting Inc., and the Bowie State University Music Department as a way to encourage and motivate our middle school musicians in underserved communities that participate in the musical arts. This program is geared towards students that will be entering the 6th-10th Grade for the upcoming School Year with at least 1 year of previous experience on a string, woodwind, brass or percussion instrument that are currently participating in a Public, Private or Charter School band program in Prince George's County.  During the VP&C Summer Music Institute students will receive training in the following:


  • Health & Wellness

  • Growth mindset

  • Music Theory & Sight-Reading Techniques

  • Composition & Arranging

  • Podium Etiquette for Young Musicians

  • Rehearsal Etiquette for Young Musicians

  • Knowing your role

  • Leadership Organization & Structure Models of Music of Ensembles

  • Audition Etiquette: Maximizing Success Potential with auditioning

  • Performance Etiquette & Attire

  • Fundamentals of Instrumental Techniques


The VP&C Summer Music Institute will be held 3rd week in June to the 2nd week of July from 8:00am-3:30pm. Their will be special pricing for parents needing Before and After Care.


VP&C Summer Music Institute Tracks of Study

The VP&C Summer Music Institute offerings 2 tracks of study. The Middle School Track will equips students with the basic skills needed to participate and excel in any middle school band program in the Prince George's County community. The High School Track will equip students with the tools needed to successfully audition for All-State, All-District and Collegiate Music Scholarships.


Tuition Cost: $150.00


The VP&C Summer Music Institute offers several payment options to aid in making this opportunity affordable for any household. Please Note: Due to  limited capacity a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $75.00 will need to be paid to secure a spot. With this goal in mind we offer 3 payment options: (Deposit must be paid before any payment option can be explored)


  • Option 1: Full Tuition $375.00

  • Option 2: 2 Payments $187.50

  • Option 3: Weekly $75.00


These amounts are based on having paid your Non-Refundable $75.00 deposit to secure spot. PLEASE NOTE: ALL BALANCES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE THE START OF THE EVENT.


VP&C Summer Music Institute Audition Information   

All students will be given a diagnostic audition. Students will be asked to perform major scales, sight-reading as well as a music theory placement exam. PLEASE NOTE: Audition & Theory Test will only be used to better align instruction for the students attending the GMSMI.


Audition Information: PLEASE NOTE: Students MUST have at least ONE YEAR of experience on their instrument in order to attend this camp.


Minimum Requirements:

  • Student must be able to play the Concert B Flat Scale ascending and descending

  • Must be able to read the lines & spaces of the music staff for their chosen instrument

  • Able to read Whole Notes, Half Notes, Quarter Notes, and the corresponding rest.

  • Basic understanding of how to count rhythm

 VP&C Youth Performane Ensembles 

The VP&C offers several performance opportunities for youth in the Prince George's County community to participate in to better hone their skills. Each ensemble has a membership fee that students can fundraise or find sponsorship for. 




VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble-$125.00 Membership Fee (Per Member)

The VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble will serve as the premier community Wind Ensemble for youth in Prince George's County. This ensemble will be comprised of High School musicians serving from Public, Private, and Charter Schools in Prince George's County. This ensemble will perform throughout the region at various community, university, and national events. The VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble will serve as the premier ensemble where university and professional music organizations recruit from.



To be considered for the VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble, please complete the online Band Nomination Registration from at and pay your $20.00 NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee. The VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble is open to students currently in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th Grades that are active members of their school’s band program at either a Public, Private or Charter School in Prince George's County. PLEASE NOTE: ONE APPLICATION PER PERSON


Membership Information Click Here


VP&C Youth Concert Band-$50.00 Membership Fee (Per Member)

The VP&C Youth Concert Band will serve as the premier community concert for youth at a Public, Private or Charter school in Prince George's County. This ensemble will be comprised of Middle School musicians. This ensemble will serve as the main recruiting source for the VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble. The VP&C Concert Band will perform during the VP&C Youth Wind Ensemble Concert Series.

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